Monday, 29 December 2014


Before anything else, I would like to wish everyone happy holidays!

As I write this, I am about to turn a year older (insert shocked-face-gasping-for-air emoticon here) tomorrow. God, time does fly so fast, doesn’t it? About a good couple of months ago, I was thinking of where I was 10 years ago when I was about to turn 19 (you do the math) and I must admit, I am very happy with where I am now. 10 years ago, I wasn’t sure of what I want to do and who I want to be but now I have a very good grasp of what I want to become (and am in the process of working on the life goals already). I believe the older wise women now when they say back then that the best years are yet to come. And there I was thinking that pulling up an all-nighter at a hip club with your girlfriends is the best time of your life. Haha!

As 2014 is about to end, so should the bad habits. I was taking this quiz on Buzzfeed the other day and I came into the questions – what would you like to find AND what would you like to get rid of this coming year. Although we all know that Buzzfeed quizzes are silly and shallow, those questions made me think of what I want to find and what I want to get rid of. I would certainly want to get rid of bad habits, too much impatience, and impulsive decision-making this coming year and I would like to find contentment, luck, more happiness, and love this year.

I wish you get everything you deserve this year and may we all be better at getting rid of bad habits this 2015. See you next year! 

1 comment:

  1. I wish you get everything you deserve too! Have a more blissful 2015 girl! Cheers! ;)

